Education for girls is not problematic. We have been talking and writing about this for years. This conversation began years ago under another context. It remains relevant.
It’s A Crime – Education For Girls
You might recall the 2012 vicious attack on Malala Yousafzai. Then she was a young girl living in Pakistan. Her only ‘sin’ was teaching other girls to read. We could only watch in amazement as news of her struggles unfolded. Her safe transportation to the United Kingdom was top of mind. We prayed for her to be restored to good health.
Now a graduate of Oxford University, Malala’s ordeal, however, still begs the question: “How many of us would be so willing to put ourselves out there in support of this cause?”
Not many I imagine. Women around the world, to this day, are still facing challenges getting an education. We must applaud similarly as we did when Malala received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. This applause, however, must come from our feet, as we move in solidarity with education for women worldwide.
Investing in Education
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, reportedly had the following to say about education.
The global learning crises violates human rights, undermines social cohesion, threatens stability and creates a lost generation that cannot join in the lives of their societies. The quest for sustainable development requires new ways of working together, green skills, new types of jobs and shifts in mentalities.” Irina Bokova
The Quest For Sustainable Development Continues
Allow me to zero in on that last statement.
Women make up a significant segment of our societies. Many leaders say that their goal is creating an environment for sustainable development. However, this cannot and will not be met without the full participation of educated women.
This has been proven at the micro-levels. For instance, several researchers have concluded that female-led enterprises:
- tend to have greater levels of success
- are managed more efficiently and profitably for shareholders and stakeholders
- have higher productivity levels and staff morale
Women business leaders have differentiated themselves as strong decision-makers. Research suggests that women at the helm of companies and investment portfolios tend to outperform their male counterparts, domestically and internationally. “ Forbes Magazine
It Takes A Village
Our Board Member recently attended a Scholarship Awards Ceremony in her community of Central Florida. Beverly Sukie-Martin described Future Leaders United as an “after school enrichment programme for underprivileged high school children. Various donors from the community give scholarships money to help the seniors pay for college.”
Watch her summary of the event. Pay close attention to her thoughts on education and how the “village” can help.
More Power To The Educated Woman!
It is fair to assume that most reading this are women. Therefore, speaking from experience, my life would have been so much more difficult without a college education. In conclusion, it is short-sighted and ignorant to think that educated women cannot successfully manage careers outside of the home, household responsibilities and fulfilling relationships.
Do you agree? Share your thoughts and experience with the educational system with us here as well as visit our social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Be sure to share this with your friends – educated women and all!