Quit the excuses. It is time to do it! Whatever “it” is, now is the time to get moving!
Today’s post will be brief as we have no more time to waste.
Quit The Talking
Read an interesting article last evening on this topic and this quote stood out.
“You gotta run more than your mouth to escape the treadmill of mediocrity. A true hustler jogs during the day, and sleepwalks at night.” – Jarod Kintz
Mediocrity is what many of us are living. According to the dictionary, the root of that word is mediocre and it means “of moderate quality, not very good.”
Now, you decide what is good or not good. If the life that you are living now gives you a deep sense of peace, accomplishment and joy, then clearly yours cannot be called a mediocre life. And, let no one suggest to you otherwise because your life does not match theirs. You decide.
However, if there is something nagging at you, an idea that you have always wanted to bring to fruition but for whatever reason have been delaying – then you are not living at your best.
It is past time to quit procrastinating. Start right where you are. It is hustle time.
Jog During The Day, Sleepwalk At Night
This is my second or third time to be taking on a venture. Prior occasions they were for-profit ventures. The others failed, why? They were not mine to do. My passion was not called up. Executing the idea was not as it ought to have been due to that – the motivation was money rather than passion. I should have quit before even starting based on that.
Daughters of Sheba Foundation is different. It has been a dream of mine for close to two decades. The idea germinated, a business plan drafted and redrafted, then life moved in other directions and I partially quit my dream. After a tragedy hit, my passion came back into sharp focus. What I am reminded of these past couples of months is that whatever the project, any type of “hustle” is that it is 24/7!
There is no day off, no sick leave. You are the head cook and bottle washer whatever the nature and size of your gig.
People will come, friends will leave, employees will not turn up. If it is your dream, you have no choice but to be there. Truth is though, you will want to be there. If it is truly yours to do, your calling or your passion – no-one or no-thing will stop you or get in the way.
Choose Your Hustle Based On Your Gifts
In a world that is driven by celebrity status and everyone going after their time in the limelight, you might be tempted to copy someone else’s gig. To be sure, there is no greater compliment than someone thinking that what you are doing is worthy of copying. The same is true for you. If there is a project or business that impresses you – there is nothing wrong in admiring, complimenting and learning from its owners. However, do not simply try to copy someone else’s success. You have no idea what they put into it.
Having said that, scoured the Internet again to find some ideas that you could consider. Pay attention to the one that excites you most, that feels right and matches your skill-set.
My search on your behalf led me to Hubspot’s Article, “54 Small Business Ideas For Anyone Who Wants To Run Their Own Business.” Not going to re-print all 54 but will highlight a few that you can check which fits you.
Food For Thought: Small Business Ideas
If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution to a problem in your own life.” Brian Chesky
Some of these ideas might be things you are already doing but informally. Such as:
- Handyman
- Woodworker
- Gardener
- Car Detailing
- Hairdressing
- Sewing/Alteration Specialist
- Freelance Developer
- Ecommerce Store Owner
- Personal Assistant
The question is whether you are approaching it as a business, organising it in such a way to ensure your success? Have you thought of:
- A business plan?
- Whether to incorporate and when? Sole proprietorship or a limited liability company?
- Opening a separate bank account for your business?
- Putting together a website?
- Figured out what your time and expertise are worth?
- Asking friends and neighbours for referrals?
Remember, this is a global village so your hustle can and, maybe must, be international. So, as suggested in the HubSpot article, let us take woodworking as an example, have you thought of:
“…If you have a passion for crafting beautiful furniture or other home goods out of wood — there’s a demand for that.” List a few of your pieces on websites and platforms created for selling such items. Even Facebook and Instagram are good platforms for selling your craft.
If You Dream About It, Do It
Read that article. These are just nine of the fifty-four ideas for a hustle. See which one resonates with you. Consider what is unique about you, talents and skills that come naturally to you. What keeps you awake thinking about it.
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Quit talking and start jogging and sleepwalking to entrepreneurship!
Peace and Love,