Waiting Wisely: We Can Share The Secret Of How-To

Waiting Wisely. Wisely Waiting. Sounds simple but might be much harder to do.

See, to me, life is forever a waiting game. At some point or the other, we have to wait for a result or wait to see how things play out.

Waiting Without Worry

This can be nerve-wracking, leaving us anxious for a lot of our awakened hours and the cause for sleepless nights. We tend to be consumed, worrying most about things we have no control over. Much like sitting in a rocking chair, swaying to and fro, but is going absolutely nowhere!

When we understand, accept and believe that God is our refuge, our Source and ever-present help in all situations, we can wait gracefully and patiently.

Only then we can wait with great expectation of a good outcome, no matter what. God is still in the midst. He is still in control with a plan that will leave us in a better place.

So, choose to trust that “all things are working together for good.” Choose to have faith in the promises he made to you. God is a God of shifting. He can change situations that seem unfixable. He is the master of our destiny. So wait with a wide smile.

Wait with confidence in your heavenly Father. Everything will be just fine. Take off that burdensome bag of worry, and choose to be positively confident, that God is coming through for you, in the right time. His timing is perfect and you are still his top priority. He has not forgotten about you. You are in next in line for a blessing.

christmasChristmas Chat

Now more than ever, many if not all of us are waiting for this year to come to an end. The global pandemic has raised blood pressure and anxiety levels in millions.

Yesterday, we here at the Daughters of Sheba Foundation hosted the first of two Christmas Chat Live Events on Facebook.

Covering a number of interesting topics including planning and preparing even as we wait for the start of a new year, we found space to have a few good laughs. For those of you who missed it, you can watch it here:



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