Life Lessons: Karma, Timed Misfortunes Or Crappy Coincidences? Which Are They?

Life lessons, you say but many call them a gong show, happenstance and other unsavoury names.

In the coming weeks, Michael H. Ballard, a man of resilience, will join us as a Michael H BallardContributor. He and I have collaborated before and over the years reading his articles, my head is always buzzing with thoughts about life lessons.

Life Lessons Of Is God Pranking Us?

Central in his writing is the question of whether life lessons are things that just happen to us. Are they happenings from which we learn? Or, are they fated, destiny coordinated by life to correct our willful ways?

With me, one question always leads to a million when pondering the meaning of those two words – “life lessons.”  It is never too long before my thoughts go to the question, “Is there a God sitting somewhere watching us and taking stock of how well we learn the lessons designed for us?

No Pain, No Gain

When you meet Michael you will learn about his childhood growing up in Ontario, Canada. He is quick to share the lessons he learned along the way from family members, teachers and even a strange kid on a hospital bed next to his.

Without giving away too much, reading his stories caused me to think even more whether “life lessons,” are most likely painful events. You know, the ones in which we experience loss or grief? Or could they be ‘responding” to what is most significant in your life at any given time?

Take the story in this video as an example. The guy is going about his business, at the top of his game apparently, making deals and looking smart. Then, wham! A lesson slides itself into the picture. Have a watch:

Lesson from a Stranger from Mahmut Akay on Vimeo.

Not All Life Lessons Are Painful

Why would this happen to the man in the video above? He did not deserve it, did he? Do we deserve the things that happen to us? Or did our “vibe” attract the experience and from it flowed a lesson? So many questions and you are welcome to share your comments with me below.

Then there are two other stories about people going about their business, planning a wedding and sitting on a bus trying to get home after a busy day. Up pop life lessons.

painThis time, they were not riddled with pain but insight – powerful ones at that. In one article, the author tells the tale of how she learned to be satisfied with what she has – and she had a lot already. My eyes scanned my home as I read it. I started to consider whether my satisfaction with what I have is where it “ought” to be or more lessons are up ahead in this regard?

We spend too much of our lives being dissatisfied because we found out there was something just a little bit nicer out there, and not nearly enough time being satisfied with what we have. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting nicer things – I think they motivate us to work harder in order to have them, which is a good thing! But we can’t get so caught up in it that we end up dissatisfied and unhappy. (Amy Reese Anderson)

Life Is One Big Road

Check out the articles. Ms Reese Anderson’s is here.  Read “7 Inspiring Lessons From A Blind Stranger” as well. Once you have read them, share with me what have you learned recently through adversity or while you were getting your nails done.

lifeSee, that is where I am for now on this life lesson question. Some time ago, I mentioned on a colleague’s blog that my late countryman Bob Marley has lyrics that just about summarizes how we learn, grow and evolve.

Life is one big road with lots of signs – Bob Marley

So, learn fast, read the signs and graduate to your next level of lessons in 2021. We are here to share with and support you.

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Peace and Love,



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