How to bounce back when life throws you down? Do you know how?

Resiliency is starting to get more and more attention. Personal resilience helps us stay healthier, get better in school, have happier relationships, experience more joy and do better in our jobs.

Family resilience also offers that and makes for better neighbours and safer communities.

Why Does Resiliency Matter?

But, what is it?

resiliencyResilience is our ability to “bounce back” from adversity. Life’s BIG Stuff events that we all have happened to us eventually. Death in the family, loss of a job, divorce, poor performance at work or school, chronic illness, having your house burn down, etc.

Get the picture?

Exactly How Do You Bounce Back?

Briefly, let me share how you start the process of bouncing back.

Resiliency is a set of key factors we can all use to help us stay safe and move forward. As such, we often create more successful outcomes.  There are two major parts to Resiliency:

  1. Inner resilience comes from the beliefs you hold to be true. These are your problem-solving skills and the goals you have set for yourself.
  2. Outer resilience is the values of the community you live in. As well, the teams you have built around yourself, the education you have and the support you have from family to name are all part of your outer resiliency.

We further develop and deepen our inner resiliency with an important practice. That is starting with your self-control. Also, moderation is a very powerful factor in being resilient. Our resistance to temptation and restraining from over-doing things are two great starting points.

bounce backOuter resiliency is developed and deepened through (1) trusting relationships with people who treat us with respect, and (2) sharing time with others who have high expectations of us and we of them. Again, two powerful places to help us deepen and widen our ability to thrive.

Resiliency For Life

Resiliency is a life-long process and a life-long adventure. In my experience, it has been important for me to set and keep personal boundaries.

Your resilience will help you stretch into life’s BIG Stuff moments and issues keeping you safe during times of trauma and danger, most certainly happier and most often, resilience will help you have better and greater outcomes whether in your personal or work relationships and general interactions.

Watch this excerpt from a recent workshop that I lead for the Daughters of Sheba Foundation. If you have any questions and want to learn more, be sure to contact with the Foundation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Bounce back,



Michael Ballard specialises in helping people, schools, organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient. To book him for your next event or to consult contact him at:

You can also contact him on Twitter and LinkedIn.