“Learn fast, read the signs!”
Believe I have mentioned this before but here goes again. In a previous article, I told the story that soon after arriving in Edmonton, a man said to us as we wandered lost in the subway station, “Learn fast, read the signs!”
Not sure why that has stuck with me but he was absolutely right.
Reading The Signs
My intuition is very powerful. It was tuned while I studied for my first Master’s degree – literally and figuratively. Being prepared as I was for the diplomatic service, reading the signs – political, socio-economic and historical, as well as the undercurrents was a central part of my training.
These skills would later be very useful to me in my professional life. As a public relations executive and communicator, it was crucial to have an understanding of the signs of the time for my clients and or products that I was responsible for promoting.
Early in the 2000s as my course changed, my spiritual antenna started to raise. Over time whenever I entered a room, two things happen:
- I could sense the vibes of those I immediately came in contact with; or
- I needed to leave as the energy was too much for me to handle.
Verbal, Written, Body Language – Read Them All!
Now, it is the rare occasion that I will go to crowded events (even before the COVID-19 pandemic). Simply cannot hack it. A cinema is the closest thing to a crowded event that I can attend. Once there, my focus is on the screen and the only person I speak with or come close to is my companion.
With practice and long periods of solitude, my ability to read the signs – verbal, written, energetic and body language – has been fine-tuned.
Yes, I get it wrong sometimes. That is usually when I ignore the real signals and allow my personal desire to rule. For example, in my last relationship, there were signs that were calling out to me, telling me that the environment was threatening. There was a foreboding during my last visit with my now late husband in Jamaica. Something was nagging at me but my eyes were averted, distracted by the plans we were making. When the call came six months later with the news of his murder, it was calmly received, however, I went numb for weeks.
Signs Are Everywhere
Signs are everywhere for each of us to see. You need not be a clairvoyant, you need no special skills.
All that is required is a willingness to surrender your mind to the will of Love. Sounds strange? It is not. Love is the force of Life and therefore will clarify everything. What is not of Love will be shown to you – a sign will be presented, a warning or a brick over your head as a last resort.
“Learn fast, read the signs.”
Share your “sign stories” with us here in the comments or on our Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter.
Have a great week!