Victory: Here’s The Lowdown of When And How You Will Declare Victory?

Victory. Such a glorious word.

There comes a time when you have to declare your victory even though you may be losing the fight.”  ~ Richard Paa Kofi Botcheway

That grabbed my attention! I would never have thought of it that way or said it even close to that way. Yet, I thought along the same lines during several “fight for my life” moments. During my three very serious challenges with cancer and a daunting medical complication that cause me to have emergency surgery late one night. 

Victory When Will It Come?

In such times, it is not just about strength. It is about faith.

Faith in self, faith in others and perhaps faith in a higher being or power.

Yes, I pushed and fought while fighting my cancer. However, I never said it so directly. I was going to win my battles with cancer. I had cancer, cancer did NOT have me. First Battle Won!

Then I will win emotionally as I have cancer it does NOT have me. Oh do not get me wrong, I cried big sobbing earth-shattering sobbing tears. I was down on my knees pounding the tiles in the shower room. It was not all about Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).

It was about feeling the pain, acknowledging it, then building a team to help me fight back! In thought word and deed; pray and play. In music and in praise, in family and friendships!

The victory was declared. Yes, I was quite ill. Death walked the hallways and hovered in the doorway. Yet, my lesson had come at an early age. Inner strength with faith and a team that would walk beside you makes for a very powerful combination.

So I declared Victory every morning as I woke up and every evening as I lay my head on the pillow. Yes, I had cancer. Yes, I might die. However, I was winning intellectually, emotionally and spiritually! Amen! Oh and 20+ years later it’s safe to say I won physically.

When will you declare victory? Over what?

So until next time Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for life!


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