Is Christianity Fading, Dying In People’s Hearts And Lives In The Western Countries?

Christianity. It has been on life support for some time now. At least that is what some think.

Wrote about this possibility a few years ago. Today, I am resharing that piece for discussion and conversation. Continue reading ⬇

Will Christianity Fade Into Oblivion?

“It’s not just millennials leaving the church. Whether married or single, rich or poor, young or old, living in the West or the Bible Belt, almost every demographic group has seen a significant drop in people who call themselves Christians, Pew found.”

That was the paragraph of the story that really caught my attention. We have been hearing for years now that the Christian church membership has been on a rapid descent. Much of this was attributed to a younger population – The Millennials – who were more caught up with everything digital to attend church on Sundays.

This recently published report of findings by the Pew Research Centre sheds a brighter light. More and a more diverse number of people are no longer identifying themselves as Christians. The decline in church attendance was hardly a secret and now this?

What next for the Christian church? Is its leadership ready to listen to the still small but now growing more loud voice?

christanityShift In Understanding of God

I am one of those who, for years now, do not identify as Christian. My childhood years were spent going to Sunday school every Sabbath morning. There were some Sundays that the entire day was spent on the church premises – from Sunday school to Sunday service, luncheon then bible studies.

During my seven years of living in a communist society where faith was truly a private and, in most cases, a secret matter, I began learning how to meet God on my own.

Upon my return to my island home of Jamaica in 1990, my active belief in God as presented by the churches of my youth had died. Alone and adrift, my questioning of the Church’s teachings intensified. Teachings on:

  • sexuality
  • the place of women in the world
  • my race
  • poverty and other social issues that continued to play out in my personal experience

My feet would not cross the threshold of a church for almost 10 years. When they did, it was to enter a place of worship and fellowship that respectfully and intelligently engaged my heart and my mind. This was the moment when my understanding of God, a Higher Power, shifted.

Christianity – Not The Only Path To Source

No longer was God a He but The Source. It is active, ever-present and engaging with human existence with and through me.

Training as an interfaith Chaplain immersed me even more deeply.  My appreciation of Life went way beyond anything the traditional church taught me. As my understanding of other religious and spiritual practices including Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Native American spirituality, I embraced my own African spiritual roots.

Through this openness to other paths, my love of Jesus and his teachings grew. No longer was he wrapped up in doctrines and diatribe, division and discrimination as I had witnessed and experienced even firsthand by Christians.

Love became my religion. It was Jesus’ as well, I dare say, just as it was that of all the spiritual leaders whose teachings have not declined but increased.

No Pat Answer

There is no one pat answer or explanation why the Christian faith continues to lose ground. Maybe that is part of the answer – that it is losing ground because it is losing its heart? More focussed on domination and doctrine rather than supporting and facilitating living from a heart-centre, the Church has dropped the ball.

Christianity in the United States, for example, has not done a good job of engaging serious Christian reflection with young people, in ways that would be relevant to their lives.

Though so many have dropped the Christianity identity, the Pew Study quoted earlier tells us, they have not all or necessarily become “infidels.” Many, myself included, now have a more private – secret for some – relationship with God/Source without the intermediary services of a religious institution.

As the article on the Pew Study concludes, we “are more interested in working with the wider world than holding endless debates over sexual morality.”

Would love to hear your thoughts so drop us a line, comment here or on our social media profiles – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,


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When the BIG Stuff Happens to You, What Do You Do? Here Are Some Tips

Big Stuff happens. They happen to ALL of us!

What do you do when you hit a wall with one of life’s BIG Stuff events? What could you do, when you feel overwhelmed? Who do you connect with? When?

When Big Stuff Strikes

Trigger WarningFor some this column could contain trigger words or phrases.

First, there is no wrong answer(s), feelings or thoughts unless self-harm or harm of others is a potential.

Second, each of us uses language differently. So words and phrases that I find easy to use and 100% acceptable you might not enjoy or find mildly to very disrespectful. I look forward to a respectful discussion if any of the content you find here you disagree with.

So, all words and phrases used here have been used with respect by others in conversation with me as their coach, trainer, friend and or neighbour.  Do let me know what you think.

Many of them I have heard many times and a few are relatively new to me.
So what do you do? What have you done? What should you do to support yourself when life’s BIG Stuff challenges strike?

big stuffIt Happens To All Of Us

So it happens to all of us. Something BIG happens and hurts. What do you do?

Create a quiet space for yourself and use it to:

  • read a book
  • watch a movie
  • take a soak in the tub (if space is in a bathroom)
  • call a friend
  • write a letter
  • write in your journal
  • visit a friend
  • go to a special spot for reflection
  • calming through steady movement or stillness via music, sounds of nature, a mediation practise

Create and use the active time for:

  • energizing through activity and or conversation and or observation
  • go to a special spot to burn off some energy and unwind

Get out and about and:

  • walk around your floor, your building, your block, to the park, around the office
  • walk and a talk ( A good business friend Gail taught me this)
  • do a meditative walk; no talking
  • practice Yoga
  • take up Martial Arts
  • Hike and/or go Biking
  • go swimming

Go see:

  • your Therapist
  • a Mental Health Expert
  • the Stretch Coach as in stretch thinking and feeling into a better pattern
  • a Wellness Coach
  • your Mental Health Tune-Up Coach
  • where you can volunteer

Going in for a:

– Check up from the Neck Up!
– A Mental Health Tune UP,
– A Good Old Fashion Check-Up
– A Rant and Rave!!

big stuffWhen Should You Start?

Why not right now?

Check out this Chair a relaxation exercise. It has helped me change how I respond to stress and anxiety.

I had a seven-year battle with two bouts of cancer and a failed medical procedure that ended up with me having emergency surgery at midnight. This exercise, helped me and it can help you make a significant difference in your life.

Here is another way to help you practise calmness. the exercise is called a:
Quick Tension Scan or a QTS.  This is another one to do for 28 days and before every meal and again about 10 – 20 minutes before bedtime. Try practising it three or four times a week for maintenance.

So this article was not intended to be a thorough list. It is meant to stimulate a conversation with yourself or with someone, you can trust.

Being stuck is not fun. Ask for help.

So let me leave you with a couple of question. How do you see life’s stressful situations? Is it a time to learn lessons or an ultimatum?

For those of us who work towards seeing each stressful situation as a lesson to be learned, it can be much less stressful. Who do you have on your support team?

We all need and deserve one. The time to build one is now.

So until next time, Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.



Michael Ballard specializes in helping individuals, schools, teams, organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient.

Hiring and Contacting Michael
To book Michael for your next event or to contact him you can do that at:


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How Canadiam Evangelicalism Is Reinventing Purity Culture As ‘Pro-Women’

Purity. How Canadian evangelicalism is reinventing purity culture as ‘pro-women by Jonathan Malloy

The anti-Asian shootings at three massage parlours in Atlanta, Ga., in March 2021 have complex religious elements. Eight people, including six Asian women, were killed in the attacks. The alleged shooter emerged from an evangelical “purity culture” that teaches a narrow view of sexuality, often with racial undertones.

Purity culture has both specific and broad meanings. It directly refers to a 1990s wave of practices of “extreme abstinence,” mainly directed at women. But it also incorporates decades of broader evangelical teachings restricting sexuality to heterosexual marriage.

Purity Culture

While some argue that purity culture only refers to the narrow 1990s practices that even many evangelicals now distance themselves from, there is no clear distinction and the underlying ideas are the same. According to Bradley Onishi, an American professor of religious studies, women are taught to “hate their bodies” and men to “hate their minds.” This is the mindset that led the accused Atlanta perpetrator to claim he was plagued by a “sexual addiction,” because he felt unable to manage his sexual thoughts and urges through purity culture’s hardline approach of denial and self-loathing.

Purity culture also taps into xenophobic and racist views of non-white cultures as exotic and sexually licentious. Canadian ex-evangelical Jenna Tenn-Yuk writes that “women of colour … do not get to be seen as pure.” Asian American ex-evangelicals like Angie Hong, Flora Tang and Onishi have also explored the connections between purity culture and the fetishization of Asian women in the wake of the Atlanta shootings.


Repressing ‘Impure’ Sex

Purity culture in its broadest sense is fundamental to evangelical thinking. But it is not simply anti-sex. While it represses sex outside of heterosexual marriage, it valorizes and celebrates married heterosexuality. This has been called the “sexual prosperity gospel.”

Purity culture operates primarily through self-perpetuating systems of peer accountability. Evangelicalism is a decentralized movement, and evangelical legitimacy largely rests on acceptance by other evangelicals. So purity culture is a complex worldview, embedded in broader tenets and social structures, for both men and women.

Evangelical Christianity has always liked to think of itself as adapting to cultural and technological change. But shifts in gender and sexual attitudes over recent decades have left evangelicals uncomfortably out of step with the rest of North American society.

There is some evidence of evolving evangelical attitudes on sexuality, especially LGBTQ equality. But actual change within the evangelical world is difficult. Purity culture is an interlocking system of regulating all sexuality. It resists incremental evolution. </p>

When evangelical leaders and adherents move away from purity culture tenets, they lose their standing and access within the evangelical world. Many end up walking away entirely.

Canadian Evangelism

evangelicalIn Canada, purity culture is mostly invisible in mainstream society, much like evangelicals themselves. But it remains fundamental to evangelical thinking.

My research has shown that, unlike the United States, most Canadian evangelicals have given up fighting for cultural dominance. Instead, they are fighting to preserve their own private spaces. This is most evident in the struggle to maintain anti-LGBTQ exclusions as part of the broader system regulating all sexuality.

While Canada does have aggressive American-style evangelical activists like Charles McVety, they are less dominant in evangelical circles than in the United States.

The majority of Canadian evangelicals are more subtle. Some are clearly aware that homophobic teachings are driving people away. Many downplay the issue as much as possible.

But they can’t easily moderate their actual positions on LGBTQ rights and other sexuality issues. To do so would bring down the entire house of cards of purity culture.

Purity As Pro-Women

Instead, Canadian evangelicals have reframed their views in a more positive way as “pro-women.” This is based on purity culture’s framing of women as vulnerable and needing protection, again often with underlying racial tones.

purityOne example is the strong evangelical support for the Stephen Harper government’s so-called “Nordic model” of prostitution law. The model targets buyers of sex over sex workers themselves. This follows purity culture’s focus on “protecting” women. But the law still stigmatizes sex work and sex workers, who are largely women and often racialized.

Canadian evangelicals and other anti-abortion activists have also narrowed their efforts to focus on campaigning against sex-selective abortion of girls. This uses the practice of sex-selective abortion in other parts of the world as a basis for campaigning against abortion in Canada. This allows for a pro-woman framing that implicitly upholds the ideals of purity culture.

Purity culture and especially its anti-LGBTQ aspects may not be as entrenched as they seem. Some evangelicals are well aware they have painted themselves into a corner of intolerance and are out of step with Canadian society.

But reform within the evangelical world is difficult. Instead, evangelicals, especially in Canada, are reframing the tenets of purity culture to appear more palatable, without letting go of its underlying tones and beliefs.

CreditsThe Conversation

Jonathan Malloy, Professor of Political Science, Carleton University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article

You might also like Daughters of Sheba Foundation’s article, “The Glass Ceiling That Covers Women.”

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When Purpose Meets Destiny: Are You Ready?

Purpose. What could be the purpose of some incidents in life?

“Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless “– Bertrand Russell


Clara Brown, Director/Secretary, Daughters of Sheba Foundation

Over 40 years ago, my now-deceased brother, Ivan, was viciously attacked in the line of duty as a police officer.

At the time of the attack, he was only 23 years old, newlywed, a young and upcoming star in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). He was also one of the most proficient marksmen.

Was it destiny then that the attack resulted in him losing both upper limbs? His highly regarded talent as a marksman was suddenly altered or, shall I say, brought to an abrupt end.

Was It Destiny Or Redefinition Of Purpose?

Vividly I recall one of his colleague’s at the hospital. As was leaving, this visitor remarked to my brother, “IC, this is your destiny. Every ‘dog’ have his day.”

Shortly after, we got the news that the same colleague was hit off his service motorcycle! This happened as he left the hospital. He died the same night.

Did he meet with his destiny or was his purpose served?

What Happens When Purpose And Destiny Meet?

My brother Ivan recovered sufficiently from his injuries. With the help of prosthetic limbs, he lived for thirty-three more years. The ‘rest of life’ for him was one of sterling living. He touched many lives in the 72 countries he visited giving his testimony. He preached hundreds of sermons, walked with Kings and Princes and received numerous “Key to the City.” All the while he maintained his humility.

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfilment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness.  It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions” – Rick Warren- A Purpose Driven Life

My Destiny – Two Sons

I had two children, both boys. My second son was born two and a half years after my firstborn – Jared. My desire and plan were always to have not more than two children.  After getting pregnant with Justin, I discussed with my lovable OBGYN my decision to do the procedure to prevent further pregnancies.

Justin was born via C-section on June 4, 2005, at 8:00 a.m. I woke up shortly after surgery and the midwife placed the beautiful six-pounder in my waiting arms. I checked and noticed that he looked exactly as Jared did when he was born.

Twenty-four hours later, we were landed a four-squared blow to our joy-filled guts.

Justin had a malformed heart chamber. 

What? Cannot be! I had a next–to-perfect nine months of pregnancy. Every instruction was followed: took my vitamins, made all my doctor’s appointments without even an hour off target, ate properly, maintained a spirit-filled-with-pleasant vibes attitude and prayed for a healthy pregnancy! I did everything right!

So, what was at play here? Destiny or purpose? 

purposeThe Lesson In The Pain

Details aside, suffice it to say we pulled every stop, put the machinery in place to ‘fix’ Justin’s problems. Yet, after three weeks in the Children’s Hospital, Justin went back to His Maker.

The lessons learned from his birth to his transition are many. To this day, some are still inexplicable.  Frankly, my thought is that no other experience matches teach the lessons taught when your child dies. Not in this life or the next. I feel Justin came, fulfilled his purpose, did his job and moved on. Destiny intertwined with purpose.

Destiny in my mind is your ultimate call, whereas purpose is your present call.

My belief is that destiny is predetermined by God. The parameters were set by Him before you were born. Purpose, in my opinion, is whatever you are called to do right now, in this very moment.

I recognize that there is something inside of me and you that has not been unlocked – that must be destiny inside of us that we do not even know about. We often hear the saying “God holds our future (destiny) in His Hands,” meaning our destiny is in His Hands waiting to be released or unlocked in His own time.

Purpose Is Temporary

Your purpose is right now. It, therefore, means that purpose is “temporary,” ever-changing but always promoting or pre-empting destiny.  What you are doing right now (fulfilling a purpose) may only be for a specific time because God is leading you to your destiny.

The questions in my mind then, to you and to myself are: “When purpose meets destiny, are you ready?” “Are you leading a purpose-filled life?”

Share your response and/or thoughts with us here in our comment section or visit and comment on our Facebook page. We invite you to follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well.

Have a purpose-filled day!


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Do Not Chase Anyone Again, You Are Not A Dog!

Chase. Only dogs chase moving things, particularly cars. You are not a dog.

“You have such long legs!” people would often remark to me when I was a child.  The usual follow up would be, “Do you run, do track and field in school?”

“No I do not and I wish you all would stop asking me that!” is what the voice in my head responded. However a meek, “No,” emanated from my lips because I was too scared they would slap me if I were to let my inside voice out.

Long Legs But Will Not Chase

chaseI am a fairly tall woman. Not Michelle Obama kind of tall but I do fair justice to height. My daughter, standing at 5′ 11″ does an even better job and, yes, she got the same question growing up.

Maybe it was guilt or pressure to use my assumed talent for running why I did take to a different kind of athleticism.

I chased people, education and even jobs.

Usain Bolt had nothing on me, particularly when it came to chasing relationships. Platonic or intimate, it mattered not. Starved as I was for the feeling of belonging, friendship and relationship marathons were my speciality.

Then, I also took “butt-licking” and door-mat skills to greater heights! I was the best.

Too Sassy To Keep Up The Chase

The challenge, however, was the sassiness that was an inherent part of my personality. I am a thinker, a very independent woman and a go-getter, taking whatever risk necessary.  The latter supported my brand of athleticism and licking/mat skills but my mind in tandem with the still small voice often contradicted my behaviour.

Trouble would soon follow.

My friendships and relationships would eventually fall apart. My tongue became too engaged with sharing my views rather than licking and being still. As people departed from my life, my tenure on a much-chased job abruptly ended or I lost or had an item repossessed, it dawned on me that things were really, really not going the way I hoped.

Years would pass before several truisms would be revealed, taught and then walked by me. I came to them mainly through the spiritual organization that I was a member of but most were taught to me through my lived experiences.

chaseBondage Breakers

I offer a couple to you today as we discuss friendships, especially those between women.  They were developed by me to help break the ties, thread or chains binding us to a way of life that is no longer working.

  • You become what you are being.” That sounds strange, wrong, stupid even. However, truth be told many of us live unconsciously and unintentionally. As you continue being a doormat, a marathon runner or a**-kisser in certain relationships, you transform into that in every aspect of your life. We simply cannot box off sections of our lives, thinking one will not seep into the other.
  • “Whatever you chase will run away.” Whether it is friendship, relationship or money, they and it will run away, eluding you. This has been one of the most challenging lessons for me. I got it on the friendship easily enough. Through rough experiences, my ability to wish people goodbye heightened. It took me great financial ‘losses’ to absorb the same lesson regarding money and jobs.

Where it concerned intimate relationships it took quite a bit longer. As a giving, expressive and openly loving person, I often think to be otherwise is game playing. Regular readers know that I am no “relationship expert,” and look to those who are. One such wrote this:

“The most powerful thing you can do is turn away from the person you are chasing and provoke in them the response you are looking for…for them to notice you.” Dr. Sherrie Campbell

friendshipWhen It Comes To Friendships, Etc

When it comes to certain friendships, jobs, money and ‘opportunities’, I now know how to save myself a lot of grief. My focus now at this ripe old age, is if it is not a “heartship,” as I call them, I am out.

There is much more where those came from and I am more than happy to share them with you.  Tweet or follow us on Facebook or Instagram and let us talk more

In the meanwhile, check the races you are running today; see where you are being a chaser, a doormat or busy licking butts and decide if that is truly serving you.

Have fun no matter what because life is supposed to feel good! Yes, it is!


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Honesty Is Such A Lonely Word These Days

Honesty Day is marked in some parts of the world on April 30 of each year.

M. Hirsh Goldberg, former press secretary to a governor of Maryland and author of five books, created National Honesty Day in the early 1990s after spending four years researching and writing The Book of Lies (Morrow). This book has been translated into Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

Goldberg created this day because he felt that the month of April, which begins with a big day of lying (April Fools Day), “should end on a higher moral note.

Honesty? No, Many Prefer Lies

honestyI am fast coming to the conclusion that many people prefer liars.

Storytelling is my hobby, craft and may even be my sole livelihood one day. It, however, has not and will never be the means through which I get a lover, a job or wealth.

My “stories” are about my journey. Frankly, there are enough twists and turns in my life’s plot thus far for me to bother embellishing.

You would think the same is true of the man sitting or languishing in prison. What of the woman whose car was repossessed? Take for instance, when a house sold from under someone to pay their debts? Would not that person have every reason to face the truth?

Is it denial or some misguided understanding of the “positive thinking” philosophy when a person tries to convince another of their wealth while driving a taxi for a living?

Why Bother With Lying, Bro?

No, I am not suggesting that a Taxi driver cannot amass wealth. Most certainly she or she can. That is especially true if they have great money management skills and investment advice. However, take the guy who tried to give me this story. It was told to me by a Jamaican taxi driver years ago on one of my visits to the island.

liesHe said that he owns a multimillion-dollar property. The property he claims is rented out and earns him a couple of thousand US dollars per month.  This man was driving an unlicensed taxi. Given his age and the overall state of the Jamaican economy at the time and even now, I asked him how did he come into this property.

The story that followed was so outrageous! It was so thickly coated with lies to the point of extreme annoyance. To top it off, this grown man was unable to put more than a few litres of gas in his car. The fellow invited me out. While I am far from the type of woman who needs to be regaled at anyone’s expense, my ‘well to do’ acquaintance could only buy a bottle of water!  He most certainly needed it more than I did, as his throat was parched, for all the tales he was spinning.

Honesty is In Short Supply

Do people lie and pathologically so because there are so many who listen and unquestioningly accept their stories as true?

Personally, I have done so in the past. Fearing that I might lose a ‘friendship’, a relationship or even a job, I accepted the stories. For instance, I turned a blind eye to the misdeeds of those in authority. Said nothing to contradict the fable being told by politicians and friends alike. Fear immobilized me and zipped my lips.

Later on, I swung to the other end of the pendulum. You know the saying, “brutally honest?” Well, that is what I became. Sparing no words, I would tell you and you and you as it is. Calling anyone to the mat became my hobby until I noticed a couple of things.

It made no difference!


Be The Change

honestyPeople will do, say and be what they want and for as long as they wanted. That was the first thing. Secondly, I was the one being hurt and angered by the brutality of my honesty.

Mahatma Gandhi’s famous words were my saving grace. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” When that sunk all the way down into my heart, my silence and my brutal honesty ended.

Some think that I have lost my fire. Maybe I have.

I am no longer interested in debating the rightness or wrongness of anyone’s behaviour or words. My interest lies solely in my own words from which my deeds flow.

Did I lie and engage in dishonesty with abandon? Yes, it is a process that took me many years to learn. So, it took quite a while and lots of practice to unlearn. With time, honesty, full disclosure, complete truth-telling and open communication became my hallmark. Inner peace has come along as a constant companion.

Another thing that I have noticed is that those would be liars who come into my experience, attracted by any remnants of my own dishonest behaviour, are soon repelled. Their true colours are more easily spotted and I more quickly ask them to leave my space or I walk away.

Is truth-telling an important factor in your decision to be in a relationship with anyone? Are you a truth-teller?

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Why You Might Want To Rethink Monogamy

“Monogamy. Why You Might Want To Rethink Monogamy” by Lucia O’Sullivan

Monogamy is difficult to maintain. Sure, it’s easy enough at times when your life is devoid of temptation. But unless you and your partner live in isolation in a cottage in the woods, there are no guarantees that an attractive “other” will not emerge — to lure you away and challenge the sanctity of your relationship.

“Oh no,” you think. “Not me. I adore my partner. Things are still so fresh. And I have so much to lose if I were to stray.”

Monogamy: Best Intentions

Yes, of course. But research makes it clear that our best intentions are often worthless in the face of a compelling, and possibly unexpected, attraction to another person — someone intent on connecting with us. Those who report having had an extramarital relationship say it was with a close friend, co-worker or long-term acquaintance; these tend not to be random strangers.

What’s more, an act of infidelity is often understood as the “dealbreaker” in relationships. And few people are abhorred more than those known to have “cheated.” Movies, songs and literature are replete with stories depicting the appalling retribution believed owed to those who stray.

monogamyDespite all this, studies show that most people have in fact engaged in some type of infidelity in the past or have experienced a partner’s infidelity.

The question arises then: Is it time to ditch, or rethink, monogamy as a standard?

Monogamy: Optimistic Expectations

Research shows that most people both expect romantic and sexual exclusivity to be in place very early in their relationships and that they denounce infidelity.

Interviews with newlyweds in the United States indicate that many people expect they and their partner will remain monogamous, despite admitting to having experienced a range of extramarital thoughts and behaviours already, such as flirting with another or feeling aroused in the presence of another.

All industrialized countries, even those purporting to have more tolerant beliefs around the importance of exclusivity, report that monogamy is the dominant pattern in their societies.

Despite strong universal disapproval of infidelity, and despite optimistic expectations, studies show that infidelity remains, year after year, the primary cause of relationship break-ups and divorce.

Now, if you factor in the distress, distrust and discord that infidelity causes to those relationships it does not destroy, you begin to understand the weight of its consequences.

Fantasizing About A Celebrity Lover?


monogamyIs monogamy reasonable? Can we ever reconcile the improbability of spending a lifetime (also known as many years) with a partner without ever being drawn to another?

Can we admit that our partners might not meet all of our needs at all times? That we could experience attraction to another without a complete surrender of our rights to a loving and respectful relationship or a wish to abandon our lives to race off with the other person?

These questions are more poignant in light of research indicating that intimate relationships are becoming less rewarding over time even as our expectations of what they should deliver steadily increase.

In most Western countries, belief in the importance of monogamy is strong, yet relatively few individuals actually discuss with their partner what monogamy must entail.

Is online flirting with an ex you will never see again “cheating?” Is fantasizing about a celebrity lover being untrue to your One True Love?

Jealousy And Suspicion Are The Tools

A series of studies by psychologist Ashley Thompson makes clear that we are notably inconsistent in the monogamy standards that we hold for ourselves versus those we hold for our partners. For example, we are far more lenient and tolerant in explaining our own versus our partner’s behaviour.

jealousyThose who endorse alternative approaches — such as “consensual non-monogamy” which allows for romantic or sexual relationships beyond the primary relationship, with the partner’s consent — argue that monogamous relationships are far less stable because people use jealousy, monitoring and suspicion as tools to hold their partners to this difficult standard.

Individuals in supposedly monogamous relationships are also less likely to practise safe sex when they cheat (putting their primary partner’s health at risk) than are those in consensually non-monogamous relationships. And questions arise about whether you are really practising “monogamy” if you’re exclusive but in relationship after relationship after relationship — that is, for those who change primary partners after just a few years.

Rewriting The Fairytale

To discuss dealbreakers in one’s relationship, it is essential for a couple to define what constitutes a betrayal, violation of trust or act of dishonesty.

monogamyIf a couple can plan ahead of time for the possibility that one or both partners might have an intimate moment with another person at some point, this can reinforce the flexibility, tolerance and forgiveness required to adjust if that happens.

It all depends on the circumstances, of course, but accepting that another person might offer something that we or our partners need can leave couples better-positioned to move forward and adjust or negotiate if necessary, without an entire and irreversible relationship disintegration.

This is key: If we can admit to ourselves that a fleeting attraction, or more meaningful connection, with another partner, might not irreparably harm our primary relationship — and indeed might supplement it — then our relationships might survive longer and better.

A new viewpoint requires a willingness to supplant the fairytale — a belief (often cherished) that one person can forever meet all your emotional, romantic and sexual needs.

Lunch Is Ok, Touch Is Out

This is unlikely to be easy for most of us. The idea of a partner being distracted by another can induce panic in the most stalwart and confident. But insisting upon a fairly unreasonable standard (lifelong exclusivity or else!) can in fact harbour the possibility of secrecy and betrayal.

The emphasis in relationships needs always to be on openness, caring and mutual consent.

monogamyThis is not to say that you or your partner will ultimately connect intimately with another person in any way despite adopting a new viewpoint about exclusivity. It also does not mean you have to agree that “anything goes,” that your relationship becomes an open relationship in the broadest sense of that term, or that anyone at all can enter your private sphere.

It is wise to negotiate some guidelines with your partner — about who or what type of person might be invited to look in on that sphere, for a moment or longer, and what might be acceptable ways to connect with another person (e.g. lunch is okay, touch is out), should the need or want to arise.

If you also discuss how best to talk about it, this approach can go far in keeping your relationship truthful, transparent and trusting — making the need for a dealbreaker that much less relevant altogether.


Lucia O’Sullivan, Professor of Psychology, University of New Brunswick

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

You might also like Daughters of Sheba Foundation’s article, “Why Do People Cheat.”

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Angel At The Prison Door: She Will Get You Out Of This Bondage

Prison can be anywhere.

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.” Rumi 

Oxtail And Beans Made Us Instant Friends

menuIt was lunchtime and stomachs were churning.  The lunch-delivery menu was given to us.  Among us was KK and he selected my all-time favourite meal. “Oxtail and Beans.” Like a beam of light from another realm, in that instance, I knew that he was a “good people” and we friends.

What draws friends together does not conform to the laws of nature.
A hand shifts our birdcages around. Some are brought closer. Some move apart.” Rumi

At that time, my marriage was disintegrating in a spectacular blow-out fashion. Concurrently, my spiritual life was burgeoning upward from the “low-level spirituality” to which I had accustomed myself. There was an almost unquenchable thirst for God.

Why Was I In Prison?

KK later gave me a book of Rumi poems.  The Sufi mystic poet and I were entranced.  Rumi’s poems gave voice to my new spirituality, my new thirst and my new feelings about God, despite the fact that my path was Christian and Rumi’s was Islamic.  “Lovers” is what Rumi called those who have these life-enhancing yearnings for spiritual matters.

prisonWork was increasingly stress-filled and negative.  I prayed for insight into why I was in that place. The Inner Voice answered and stunned me, “For Judy.”

She was my new (then) but now a life-long friend.

I was there for her. 

The reason only became apparent many years later as our friendship flourished.  It was delayed as tragedy struck. My father died suddenly.  I was devastated and had never before felt such emotional pain.  Facing our mortality with the death of a loved one, we recognize that life is too short to be unhappy. So I resigned from the job and the inexorable death of my marriage progressed.

The Most Painful Decision That I Ever Had To Make

It was then I decided to leave my children in the care of their father upon our separation and relocated to another Caribbean island.  I was dying inside. I managed to hold it together on my new job, pushing myself through the days but my nights alone were hard.  Then my former colleague (my oxtail-loving friend, KK) took the lead and became my strength and sustenance when he told me that he “had my back.”

In many religions, angels are depicted as benevolent “celestial” beings who act as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence.  Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings, and carrying out God’s tasks.

questionsHow did he know to call at that particular moment when the tears were overwhelming me and my heart was breaking into pieces?  Would he know that his affirmations of my worth as a person meant so much to my battered self-esteem? His seemingly simple questions lead me to explore the deeper meaning of my situation?  Statements and questions like:

  • Don’t feel too bad about feeling bad – embrace your mood whatever it is” and “Use your journal as signposts to reflect what is going on in your soul.”
  • Don’t let anyone take your dreams away.  They may not unfold as envisioned, but when you stop dreaming, your soul begins to die and it’s a slow excruciating death”
  • “If you feel separated from God, then who moved?”

What Are You Seeking?

Almost a year later, I read an article by a Jewish Rabbi Marc Gellman, based on Genesis 37:15 question “What are you seeking?” He interpreted the question as “what are you looking for in life,” which showed how the man who asked that question and who re-directed Joseph had played a pivotal role in history.  

With that question, Joseph located his brothers. He set off a course of events that saw him being sold into slavery. Later, he was elevated to working for the king of Egypt, which culminated in him saving the Israelites during the great famine.  If this “man” had not been there at that time, Joseph would not have found his brothers and would have returned home. The history would have been so different.

More Than Just A Man But An Angel

angelRabbi Gellman concluded that this was not just a man but an “angel.” He was an angel who provided direction. As well, a messenger who delivered a much-needed message.  When the job was done, his cameo appearance in Joseph’s life ended. 

That was what my oxtail-loving friend KK was and is to me, “my angel.” He was there when the direction was needed. KK’s presence in my life was not by chance. He guided me to my healing. He waat my prison door, he showed me the way to the pasture and my calling. It was now my turn to be there for someone else – “For Judy.”

“Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” Rumi

Have you met an angel, someone who directed you to a point in your destiny? When did you recognize who you had encountered? Did you exit your prison door? Share your story with us by posting a comment here. You can also share with us on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profiles. 

Remember to “show hospitality to strangers as you might be entertaining angels.”

Dr Janice Chang


Dr Janice ChangDr Chang is an early member of Daughters of Sheba when it was a private Facebook group. She is a medical doctor and has a Masters degree in Public Health. Janice, Jamaican by birth is a citizen of the USA, where she resides with her husband in Michigan.
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Together. With COVID-19’s Third Wave, We’re Far From ‘All In This Together’

With COVID-19’s Third Wave, We’re Far From ‘All In This Together’ by Yvonne Su

Ontario Premier Doug Ford posted a photo of himself making cheesecake on Twitter on May 14, 2020.
Doug Ford/Twitter

One year ago, politicians across Canada told us “we’re all in this together.” Ontario Premier Doug Ford delivered the message during a video as he made cherry cheesecake. And Canadians bought into it.

They organized online to get groceries to seniors, to #SupportLocal and to clap for carers — examples of the made-in-Canada “caremongering” movement were talked about globally.

Now, after a year of repeated lockdowns and a confusing vaccine rollout, people across the country are online and organizing anti-lockdown marches, anti-curfew protests and riots and disseminating anti-vaccine conspiracies. Some Canadians are angry and defiant.

Short-lived Solidarity

While some thought the pandemic would level the playing field and bring communities together, scholars who study community recovery after crises were aware that solidarity would be short-lived. To make matters worse, scholars have observed that social inequality and social divisions often re-emerge after a crisis and can sometimes become even stronger.

In Ontario, the inequality that lower-income and racialized communities face has worsened amid COVID-19.

As the third wave hits hot-spot communities, people affected are less protected and prioritized now, and hit harder than when the pandemic started. Many are blaming the Ontario government’s poor public health policies for what doctors are calling a preventable “humanitarian catastrophe.”

What we are witnessing in Ontario is politically produced precarity. Politically produced precarity is when political discourse and public policies create an environment that makes people experience precarity (or uncertainty). This can be seen through essential workplaces being allowed to stay open during Ontario’s state of emergency, but neglecting essential workers when it comes to prioritizing them for vaccinations. These workers are made precarious by the policies in place, not due to the lack of vaccines.

Data on the Ontario government’s website shows that workplaces account for 29 per cent of all COVID-19 outbreaks. This is only second to education, which accounts for 34 per cent of outbreaks.

While the Ontario government has followed the evidence in this third wave and shut down schools, workplaces that include factories, food-processing plants and farms are still open and essential workers are still not being prioritized for vaccinations.

Graph showing infection rates in various settings in Ontario
Graph showing the number of COVID-19 outbreaks by setting in Ontario.
(Government of Ontario)

Their Work Is essential, But Not Their Lives

Dr Shail Rawal, an internal medicine physician, tweeted on April 16, capturing the current situation in Ontario well when she said: “They looked us in the eye and said your labour is essential, but your lives are not.”

In addition to not being prioritized for vaccinations, despite having no option but to go into work, essential workers still don’t have paid sick leave. Since the beginning of the pandemic, doctors and local medical officers of health across Ontario have called for paid sick leave. This call has only grown stronger during the third wave.

Ford continues to push back, saying there is already a federal program in place. But advocates say the federal COVID-19 sick leave benefit has restrictions that make it inaccessible to lower-income, precarious and migrant workers.

Essential Workers Are Still Forced To Work

togetherA recent poll found the vast majority of Ontario residents are in favour of paid sick days. Yet, despite so much support, essential workers are still forced to go to work even if they feel sick, risking the spread of COVID-19.

Torontonian Andrew Do share on Twitter and in the media how both his parents got COVID-19 days before their vaccine appointments. Do’s father works in a factory where he believes he got infected, and his parents live at Jane and Finch, a lower-income neighbourhood located in Toronto’s northwest.

As Do explains, he thinks his parents’ vulnerability increased during the pandemic because of how the neighbourhood is treated by governments and the healthcare system.

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, a researcher who studies politically produced precarity, explains how we need to understand the vulnerabilities that people are facing and their responses. She says we can do this by considering how local experiences and responses are framed by political systems and the structural inequalities and processes of marginalization and exclusion that have gotten us here.

It is these structures and policies that leave essential workers exposed to COVID-19 and at risk of dying due to lack of vaccine access.

The Wealthier The Neighbourhood, The More Vaccines

The inequality in vaccine access is summed up by a recent article in the Toronto Star: “A tale of two neighbourhoods: Jane and Finch with the lowest vaccination rate, Moore Park with the highest.” The story highlights how one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Toronto has the lowest vaccination rate, and one of the richest neighbourhoods has the highest.

An analysis from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences showed that COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting Toronto neighbourhoods with the most essential workers and lowest income levels. Similarly, pharmacies that administer vaccines are primarily located in Toronto’s most affluent neighbourhoods.

In addition, an investigation into how hot-spot postal codes were selected by the Ford government has revealed that vaccine rollout may have been driven by partisan considerations. Five of the included zones — all represented by Progressive Conservative MPPs — had infection rates that were below the provincial average while seven excluded zones had higher-than-average infection rates but are represented by opposition politicians.

maskThis news, combined with stories of young front-line workers begging pharmacists for vaccines while vaccines sit in freezers at risk of expiration, have enraged many Ontarians. Some have started to count the days until the next provincial election while others have called for Ford’s resignation.

Ending Politically Produced Precarity?

Ending these injustices, and politically produced precarity may be difficult without increased representation in politics of people from lower-income and racialized communities. As one Twitter user pointed out: “It is impossible to govern effectively if you don’t think or care about people who don’t live exactly as you do.”

The recent Ontario announcement that included giving more power to police to enforce stay-at-home orders, and the subsequent public backlash, highlights why representation matters. It showed how out of touch the government of Ontario is because carding has long been condemned due to its connections to racial profiling.

It was a glaring misstep to fail to realize more enforcement was going to greatly impact racialized and low-income communities who are already hardest hit by COVID-19 and the least likely to be vaccinated. Despite scaling back police powers so only those who are suspect of participating in gatherings will be stopped, too much power still remains in the hands of people who shouldn’t have it. And the rules are changing so rapidly that essential workers likely can’t keep up and will live under a cloud of fear every time they leave the house.

Together: Look Towards Recovery

togetherThe third wave has been confusing, and as we look towards our post-pandemic recovery, we will not be able to happy-wash the pandemic with caremongering stories.

Instead, we must never forget how inequality has worsened, and recovery has been slowed or made worse by policy, so we can hold governments accountable when the next elections come around.

COVID-19 has shown us that we are not all in this together, and it has also shown us that as communities, we have the power to come together and advocate for the most vulnerable when politicians are actively putting them in harm’s way.

The ConversationCredits

Yvonne Su, Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Refugee and Diaspora Studies, York University, Canada

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

You may also like Daughters of Sheba Foundation’s article, COVID-19 Is Not A Hoax: Mask Up And Protect Our Children

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Are You A Resilient Person? It Can Make All The Difference In Your Life

Resilient. Would you say that you are a resilient person?

michael h ballardConsider having a set of skills that could enhance your quality of life. Imagine the ability to be happier, healthier and safer.

Having been challenged by:

  • a concussion
  • chronic illness
  • two bouts of cancer, and
  • a life-threatening medical procedure that failed

As a result, I am very invested in being as resilient as I can. I figure I have to be prepared for whatever might happen next.

What Is Being Resilient?

There has been a lot of research on resiliency.  Several leading institutions’ research shows that it can make a significant difference in our lives. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from life’s everyday obstacles and overwhelming adversities. The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the topic. Additionally, I will highlight some key components. Researchers are concluding that each person has an innate capacity for resiliency. In other words, this is “a self-righting tendency” operating when people of all ages have resiliency-building conditions in their lives.

How Do We Develop Resiliency Skills?

resilientIn the first part of our lives, it is how we have been parented. Similarly, resiliency is also part of our personalities, belief systems and our faith. Teachers and our community factor into how resilient we become. For instance, we model the behaviour of those that have gone before us as we mature, along with taking courses, reading books and watching videos. Finally, asking for help. That is a big plus on our resiliency score, as no one is an island. Most people in our lives want us to succeed.

What Type Of Activities Make Me Resilient?

1. Making connections and being mentored. For example, resilient adults remember one or two people who made a difference in earlier their lives. These adults acted as role models and mentors. “Almost 40 years of research shows that nearly 70 per cent of emotionally connected people are able to thrive despite adversity.” (Brown, D’Emidio-Caston, and Bernard 16). Who are you feeling connected with?

2. Reading. Resilient people read. Werner and Smith found that, above all, “effective reading skills by grade four were one of the most potent predictors of successful adult adaptation.” Therefore, remember to keep reading as adults. An all-time favourite book of mine is Mastery by George Lenard. It is about the process and key steps of what it takes to master a skill. Sadly, this is something modern-day society does not often acknowledge with our sense of entitlement.

Skills To Be Resilient

problem solve3. Problem-solving, information and innovation skills. Resilient people know how to find and use the information to solve problems. Above all, when faced with adversity, they will use a variety of problem-solving models. This helps them identify options for dealing with problems. Question to you. When was the last time you read a book or took a course on problem-solving or innovation? One of my favourites is Six Thinking Hat, giving us six ways to solving life’s issues.  Moreover, mind maps are great brainstorming and problem-solving tool.

4. Social skills. Most importantly, one of the chief determinants of success is social skills. Therefore, resilient people tend to have more friends and are more confident. In addition, they tend to be friendly, cheerful, good-natured, humorous and practice their intelligence. What are you doing to build and nurture your social skills?

5. Life skills. People see possibilities when they foster personal awareness. Their level of responsibility and decision-making capabilities increases. By focusing on your potentials, the adverse risks are reduced.

More Activities To Become Resilient

6. Hobbies and Interests. People who participate in hobbies and activities feel more confident, competent and positive about themselves. For example, hobbies and activities bring us into contact with more people. Similarly, they can also provide solace during times of stress and turmoil.

7. Direction. Resilient people have a sense of direction and goals. What goals have you set recently? It increases your chances of positive outcomes. Therefore, I believe in setting hard goals (dates, times, places, resources, outcomes) and soft goals. Asking myself questions, such as, “How do I want to feel?” “What do I want to feel?” As well, I ask, “With whom do I wish to share the experience?”

volunteer8. Taking care of others and volunteering. People engaged in “required helpfulness” are more resilient. Furthermore, people who believe they have something to contribute feel more empowered. Therefore, they feel confident about themselves. In addition, they mentor, tutor, are peer helpers and volunteer. By doing so, their self-esteem and competency increases.

9. Participation at school, religious group, and in the community.  Also noteworthy is that active participation provides opportunities to make friends and develop skills. Plus, people who have faith in a higher power believe their lives have meaning and they control their own fate.

In Conclusion…

Resiliency is in large part a choice once we become adults. Then again we need to know we have a choice. What will you do today to enrich your life to be more resilient?

So until next time, Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency for Life.


Michael Ballard specializes in helping people, schools, teams
organizations and communities learn how to become more resilient.

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