What Is The Meaning Of Life? That Is Life’s Biggest Question

What is the meaning of life? Really, you and I want to know or do we?

Wrapping Up

September is drawing to a close. With this comes the news that we have entered the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This moment in time has brought up the age-old question – What is the meaning of life? How many times have you asked this question? In my experience and through the conversations that I have had over the years, over dinner, by the bedside of hospital patients and during informal coaching sessions, this is one of the biggest questions. It is the one that points to what is on all our minds – whether you are a believer in God, a Creator or that life is a random event.

Joseph Campbell puts it well:

Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”

Seriously, What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Would you agree that this is just it and it is a waste of time asking or looking any further than what is before you?

For years, it was my conscious decision to remain single, sort myself from the inside out before even considering another relationship. There was a point when it was clear that marriage would never be on the table again. However, as they say, “never say never.” In 2018, the man who would become my husband proposed and my answer?  “No.” He would repeat it three times and finally after contemplating life, the meaning of it and what was next for me, the answer changed. We got married in January 2020.

Five months later, he was dead, throwing my understanding of “meaning” sideways.

What I Know For Sure

Honestly, whether this is it or if there is more to this thing called life, no one can say for sure either way. Many will give you the impression that they have certain knowledge. They are pretenders, charlatans and liars. That may sound harsh but it is the truth that I am sticking to. People will and can only offer their thoughts, feelings and what they hope is their best idea about the meaning of life.

whatHeard somewhere once that the person who is perfect and know everything without a doubt regarding this the biggest question – that person would not be here among us now. Read this quote from Kurt Vonnegut’s book, “Cat’s Cradle,” and tell me what you think:

In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.

And God said, “Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done.” And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was a man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. “What is the purpose of all this?” he asked politely.

“Everything must have a purpose?” asked God.

“Certainly,” said the man.

“Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this,” said God.

And He went away.”

That Is The Meaning Of Life

This may be the shortest of our posts. Why? Well, as quoted about, living is the way to “think” of the meaning of life. It is a futile quest as the meaning is in your living. So, experience the meaning of life in every minute that you have. My husband’s demise proves that to me more forcibly than any other experience that I have ever had. As Albert Camus said:

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

Do you have the answer to this the biggest question? If so, share with us in the comments below. Make sure to join in our conversations by liking, following, tweeting and subscribing to our social media profiles. We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.  You will get the update of our posts and thoughts not shared here but posted on these profiles daily.

Have a great weekend!

Peace and Love,




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  1. Pingback: Turning A Blue Christmas Into A Rainbow Of Hope - Daughters of Sheba Foundation

  2. Pingback: Doubt: You Are Served Notice To Cease And Desist - Daughters of Sheba Foundation

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