Hello, great to have you join us here. Let’s talk about your language.
Our beliefs and values have a powerful impact on our thoughts and feelings. In turn, they impact our behaviour. Which in turn impacts our happiness, quality of life, income and the outcomes we achieve in life.
In a past newsletter/blog, I discussed self-definition. How our past and present impact how we define ourselves. Yet, unless we consciously do a merge and purge we all too often allow old broken, negative and confusing past situations to define us.
How We Use Language
To move beyond that we need to ensure we guard the gates of our mind and heart to ensure an honest, realistic definition of self. Then through our use of language ensure we are being true to, and authentic to our core values and expectations of self.
So here are four key phrases the researchers know that those who are being resilient and create positive outcomes use frequently.
Remember it’s not about perfection, it’s about achieving excellence as often as possible for higher-quality experiences and outcomes.
So buckle up. Here are four life-altering phrases and the action each represents.
Life-Altering Phrases
I Am
– Using and developing my inner strength and skills
I Have – Friends and support through connections
that include personal, family, friends, school, social, hobby,
sports, professionals, volunteers and people in the community.
I Can
– Use my problem-solving and creativity skills to help
I Do – Take safe action to build and nurture my life creating positive outcomes.
Language Usage
In more detail:
I Have – Friends and support through connections
that include personal, family, friends, school, social, hobby,
sports, professionals, volunteers and people in the community.
I Am – Using and developing my inner strength -Including self-definition, inner locus of control and skills
I Can – Use my problem-solving and creativity skills to help
I Do – Take safe action to build and nurture my life
So what are you doing to develop and build out each of the four powerful mindsets as described above? Don’t wait! Start now. Text, call, write and start to build your network of friends, family, coworkers and neighbours to help you be more resilient. you deserve to thrive!
So until next time Imagine Yourself with more Resiliency For Life.
Have you taken our 7 Types of Awareness programming?
We all have areas of our lives in all 7 of types of awareness.
Happiness and more positive outcomes happen when we decide to live a life of more self-awareness. Take a big step take our course. It’s free, my gift to you.